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Grill: My Old Art

You know what time it is!!!
While I was cleaning out my computer a few days ago, I came across some old 3-D art which I had made a few years back. It was pretty interesting to see how much I have improved since I made these old pieces of rubbish which you'll see in a minute. It was like my own art expo, where I was the main attraction. Anyway, here are a few old pieces that I just thought I'd put up for the heck of it. Time to grill!

The Robot: (2001)

This was the first piece of 3-D art that I had ever made. It was based loosely off of Gir from the television show Invader Zim. It took me about five minutes to make, and I was actually really proud of my work; even if it is just an untextured, poorly lit, hunk of something. Junk.

Smacky the Freaky Bird (2001)

One day I decided to test out the new feather texture I had gotten for the animation program that I was using. I could not make a really detailed bird back in 2001, so this is what came out instead. A bird that looked like a piece of wood. Oh well, I guess it is better than nothing right?

Different, Yet the Same (2002)

This render was actually done for a project at school. It projected the message that people may look different in one way, but they also can have things in common. This is a very cheesy way of putting it, but I don't really care about how my wording sounds right now. (It's 2:46.) I guess I didn't really get my message across; because all I see here is a picture of two poorly built, flat nosed wannabe humans that look more like babushkas then anything else.

Abstract: (2002)

Wow. That's all I can say is wow. I put a whole bunch of circles around a light source; circles that look like chewed bubble gum and jawbreakers. I could just imagine what people would say in the art galleries:

Billy: Hey Bertha, look at this piece over here.

Bertha: What is it supposed to be? Is the last one on the right a piece of chewed gum?

Billy: I'm unsure, but it seems that the creator of this piece was obviously thinking about circles when he was creating it.

Bertha: You're right, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a bowling ball hidden in there somewhere.

Billy: I feel stupid for just looking at this thing.

Bertha: That's because you are.

See? Now wasn't that piece just amazing? We have come to the end of this early morning roast, tune in next week when I blast television shows that start with the letter B out of this world!

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.

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A Little Info on Me

  • I'm Riess
  • From Anaheim, California, United States
  • Living out in Anaheim is great! If you like hot weather! Southern California is actually a great place to live, if you have enough money in your pocket of course. Apartments out here in the west are more expensive than many houses in the midwest! Although I may only be a wee sixteen years old, I watch the news and the stock market like an adult would, and I've even given out stock tips to some of my family members who invest in the great world of the NYSE. It has not been the easiest life in the world for me, but it could be a lot worse. Whenever I think the chips are down, I think of the people that live in poverty, in the United States and all over the globe. Avid watcher of the G8 summit and Presidential debates when they are on as well.
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