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Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Moving to a new neighborhood can be a really exciting experience. You get to meet new people, move into your new (and hopefully, better) place, and you also get away from all of the troubles you had back at your old home. The most exciting things about moving into a new place though, are the greetings that you receive from the inhabitants of that area. My family and I had quite the greeting indeed; a most unusual one at that.

We had just moved out of our house in Buena Park to move into an apartment in Anaheim. (Don't ask me why. I didn't make the decision.) It is a nice place, not dirty, but not necessarily clean either. Located right off of a major road, it is not the most silent place you can live in; but hey, the sound of passing cars can actually become soothing once you get used to it. I knew a few people who lived in this complex from school before we had moved in, so that made it a little more exciting; but the neighbors whom I didn't know were pretty polite people. There are a few bad apples that like to blast their music at 4:00 in the morning, but that is something that can be fixed with a little bit of shouting at them. Overall, it was a nice place to live.

A few weeks after we had moved in, we got ourselves a surprise from a fellow neighbor. A big and costly surprise. I was sitting in my room doing homework, as I do after every day of school. It was actually a pretty quiet day, not a lot of traffic was out on the street today, and it seemed like I was living in a ghost town. Suddenly, I heard a loud BANG outside of the window. I thought that maybe there was some kind of collision out on the street; but when I looked outside, there was nothing out of the ordinary.

Then one of my friends knocked on our door. When I answered it, he told me that someone had literally run into our garage with his car. When I went to take a look outside, the garage's wall was damaged moderately; so was the car. The driver of the wall-ramming machine was running down the street, probably trying to get as far away from the scene as possible to avoid arrest. Luckily, two men from down the block caught him and stopped him from getting away. It turns out that he was drunk when he did this; and you could smell the liquor in his car. A few hours later, the police came and took him away for questioning. This is the third time that this man has gone to jail, so maybe he'll learn a lesson and it will be his last. I can tell you one thing, anger was high that day due to the fact that we had just moved into the place, and it was already falling apart.

Eventually we had the garage repaired, and it actually works better than it did before the accident. I guess that the driver of the car actually helped us in a way; supplying us with a brand new garage door. Good job man!

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

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A Little Info on Me

  • I'm Riess
  • From Anaheim, California, United States
  • Living out in Anaheim is great! If you like hot weather! Southern California is actually a great place to live, if you have enough money in your pocket of course. Apartments out here in the west are more expensive than many houses in the midwest! Although I may only be a wee sixteen years old, I watch the news and the stock market like an adult would, and I've even given out stock tips to some of my family members who invest in the great world of the NYSE. It has not been the easiest life in the world for me, but it could be a lot worse. Whenever I think the chips are down, I think of the people that live in poverty, in the United States and all over the globe. Avid watcher of the G8 summit and Presidential debates when they are on as well.
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