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Back Again

I was finally able to get back on the computer this morning after my whole wisdom tooth ordeal. It actually was not that bad, and the surgery is not what stopped me from posting. Anyway, I'll write more about that later on, due to the fact that I am actually short on time here. Anyway, it is good to be back!

Thank God you're back!!
I got a new post:
The High Dropout rate of The College on Guam

Hope you like it~~

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A Little Info on Me

  • I'm Riess
  • From Anaheim, California, United States
  • Living out in Anaheim is great! If you like hot weather! Southern California is actually a great place to live, if you have enough money in your pocket of course. Apartments out here in the west are more expensive than many houses in the midwest! Although I may only be a wee sixteen years old, I watch the news and the stock market like an adult would, and I've even given out stock tips to some of my family members who invest in the great world of the NYSE. It has not been the easiest life in the world for me, but it could be a lot worse. Whenever I think the chips are down, I think of the people that live in poverty, in the United States and all over the globe. Avid watcher of the G8 summit and Presidential debates when they are on as well.
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