Friday, August 18, 2006

Back Again

I was finally able to get back on the computer this morning after my whole wisdom tooth ordeal. It actually was not that bad, and the surgery is not what stopped me from posting. Anyway, I'll write more about that later on, due to the fact that I am actually short on time here. Anyway, it is good to be back!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Tomorrow Is The Big Day...

Gah! I'm so nervous! Tomorrow at around 10:30 in the morning I will be getting my wisdom teeth pulled out! I can't stand it anymore! Just pull the dang things out already! I don't know when I will be able to post again, but who knows? Maybe I'll be able to post the day I get them pulled. We'll just have to wait and see eh?

Bon Voyage! (for now)

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Back to Gibson

A few weeks back, I made that post about Mel Gibson's drunk driving behavior. Before I made that post, I had no knowledge of the anti-semitic remarks that Gibson made during this arrest, so maybe that's what the big deal about the whole incident was. I myself am not Jewish, but I can understand some of the feelings that people are projecting to Mel and his comments. He may never gain back some of the fans he offended, but that's the way Hollywood works I suppose.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Team Fortress 2

Most people who play computer games have heard of the title Team Fortress 2 at some time or another. The game was first unveiled back in 1999, promising a gritty and realistic online-combat experience. Many gamers were anxious for the title to come out, and the screenshots that were provided by Valve looked promising. Suddenly, information about the game stopped reaching gamers, and many thought that the game had been cancelled.

Nearly seven years later, the Valve Corporation releases a trailer for "The New" Team Fortress 2, showing that the product had not died; it had just undergone some major changes over the past years. The new game is based off of Valve's Source Engine, (because if it was still based on the HL1 engine it would probably have been rejected by today's standards) and the style and concept of the game have been changed substantially. From what the trailer shows, the game has gone for a more cartoon-like style; aiming to be a comic book experience or something along those lines. Although the main objectives of the game will most likely be the same, the whole feel for a sense of real world conflict has been ridden of through this change. For better or worse? I truly do not know. From talk in online game servers though, it seems to be a mixed bag, with some people for the change and others against it. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Hummer Commercial Stupidity

A few nights ago, I saw a rerun of a CNN Headline News story about a man who was offended by one of those Hummer commercials that have been gracing television screens for a while now. He was so offended, in fact, that he decided it would be best to get a lawyer and try to file a suit against anyone he could. Just to make some extra cash, ya know?

The commercial that this man was offended by is probably one that you have seen before. Titled "Tofu," the commercial shows a man at a check-out area of a grocery store, purchasing Tofu and other veggies. He turns around to find a meat-eating carnivore behind him, buying big slabs of meat and bags of charcoal. Due to insecurity about himself, the Tofu eating dude decides to go to the Hummer dealership to drop $30,000 on a gas guzzling monster. At the end of the commercial, the tagline "Restore Your Manhood" is displayed, and the guy takes a bite out of a carrot while driving his brand new waste of cash down the road.

Now while I think that these commercials are insanely stupid, no one has the right to file a lawsuit over them. If your manhood was affected by these commercials, and you now think that you are a wimp because you don't own a Hummer, then you actually are a wimp. Since the case has been filed, the Hummer commercial's tagline has been switched, reading "Restore The Balance", rather than "Restore Your Manhood." Wow, that's a big change. It still doesn't keep the commercial from being idiotically dumb.

There is another commercial spot from Hummer, with a woman who's kid gets cut in front of at a playground slide. She then sees an ad for Hummer on a passing bus, and decides that the only way she could restore her and her child's dignity is to go and purchase the most ridiculous vehicle on the road today. "Honey, I can't let you play on the slide now, I gotta get me a Hummer! I'll show that other woman once and for all who is the real boss around here!"

Seriously, Hummer has made a big marketing error by putting these commercials out. It makes people who drive Hummers look like even bigger idiots; making them look like they bought one to restore their manhood or to get their self-confidence back. No offense to people who drive Hummers, but seriously, do you expect to go on a safari with that thing or something? Think about it, what can a Hummer do that a Honda Civic can't? Oh yeah I forgot, guzzle gas.

Let me clarify that I am talking about the Hummer and not the Humvee, which is the military model. The people who are driving those actually need them because of rugged terrain. Unlike the "City Hummer" owners who just feel the need to go to the supermarket in a tank.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My Mistake

It turns out that my wisdom teeth are actually getting extracted next week instead of this week. What a surprising turn of events!

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Be Back Soon !

Hey everybody, I just thought that I'd let you know that I am getting my wisdom teeth extracted and I am probably not going to be able to post anything for a few days. I'll be back once I recover from my extractions!

Hope to be back sooner than later!

Friday, July 28, 2006

DUI: What's The Big Deal?

By now, we probably all have heard the "big news" that Mel Gibson, director of Passion of the Christ and other flicks, was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. My question is, what in the world makes this such a big and shocking story? At the moment, this story is on CNN's main page. The main page.Is it that big of a deal? I do not believe it is, and I'll tell you why.

First off, driving while under the influence of alcohol or any other drug is not all right in my book. It can lead to some pretty serious consequences; such as destruction of property, trouble with the police, and death, and none of those things were good last time I checked. I don't know if people thought that Mel Gibson didn't drink alcohol or, if he did, that he couldn't get intoxicated from it, but they seem to think that he would never be arrested for this type of crime. There are whole heaps of people who are arrested for drunk driving every year. What makes Mel Gibson different then them?! Ok, ok, I know, he is a celebrity and all, but does that mean that he is above the law? I saw people on the news sympathizing him, and thoughts went through my head.

What's the big deal!?

The guy has all the money in the world! He will be out of jail shortly! (He is in fact)

This will not ruin his career!

If it was an average joe, would you be showing sympathy then?!

Do you think that celebrities are above the law or something?

All in all, the issue on Mel is not a big deal to me. I mean, he is human, and he makes mistakes just like the rest of us. Take it easy already!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

System Update 2.80

Attention all PSP users, if you have not heard of the news yet; the PSP's new firmware update has just been released. You can obtain it here. Have fun!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Been Busy...

Yes, it has been a busy week for me; full of homework and other miscellaneous things. That is why there has been a lack of posts recently, but I'll start posting more once all of these darn things get done!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

A Memorable Sunset (Mini Photo Journal)

Today's sunset was actually very nice. The sky was composed of a mixture of colors that flowed into each other very nicely, and the light from the sun bounced down on the ground and made it look like a large lamp was aimed at us. Here are some quick pictures I took during the sunset.

"Clouds and Lines"


"Looking up"

"Exiting the House"

Thunder and lighting followed after these shots.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

New Format !

Yes, I decided to change the format for this blog. I'm aiming to make it a bit brighter and a little more enlightening, and major changes such as flash animation and music may be added down the road ahead.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Too Early?

On August 9th, The World Trade Center, directed by Oliver Stone, will be released into theaters. Some critics are already saying that it is a stunning film, while others say that it is way to early to even think about making a movie about this sad and horrific day in American history. Most people I've talked to all have one question in mind: Is it too early to release a film based on the attacks that occurred on September 11th?


People who oppose the movie say that it is wrong to profit off of the 9-11 attacks; and also state that there is no need for a movie to tell people what occurred during that day. They can all remember it from the live television reports and radio feeds which were heard literally across the country, and that is all it takes for their hearts to ache. "We do not need to be reminded of what happened on September 11th, because we can still clearly remember." That is the basic message projected from opposition of the film.


People on the other end of the spectrum see the release of the film in a different light. They say that this movie will keep September 11th instilled in people's heads. They also give the argument that the film shows the public not only what all of the people in the towers had to go through that day, but also what Law Enforcement had to endure. It is a story of courage, hope, and perseverance, and how Americans can unite and help each other survive through hard times.

Oliver Stone: A Factor in all of this?

Out on the street, people believe that Oliver Stone, who has a reputation of making his films very politically infused, plans to use the movie as a anti-war statement, which gets some people angry due to the fact that may be used as a weapon in politics, and not a tribute to the people who were lost on 9-11.

Again, World Trade Center will be released in theaters on August 9th.

(I am not voicing my own personal opinion here, just the varied opinions of people that I "interviewed" over the movie. My views are sealed!")

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Loco Roco Contest

For all of you who own a PSP out there, Sony is holding a Loco Roco Contest in which you can win Loco Roco related prizes such as wallpaper and BGM files. You need to download the Loco Roco demo, which you can get here.

After you have downloaded, you can play through the demo, trying to get as many Loco Rocos as you can to the end of the demo stage. If you get enough, then you will be given a password which can be used to obtain your prize.

Good luck!

Posted On A PSP

That's right, this was posted on a Playstation Portable.


Yes, it is one of those days.

A Little Info on Me

  • I'm Riess
  • From Anaheim, California, United States
  • Living out in Anaheim is great! If you like hot weather! Southern California is actually a great place to live, if you have enough money in your pocket of course. Apartments out here in the west are more expensive than many houses in the midwest! Although I may only be a wee sixteen years old, I watch the news and the stock market like an adult would, and I've even given out stock tips to some of my family members who invest in the great world of the NYSE. It has not been the easiest life in the world for me, but it could be a lot worse. Whenever I think the chips are down, I think of the people that live in poverty, in the United States and all over the globe. Avid watcher of the G8 summit and Presidential debates when they are on as well.
My profile